Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Title from Karate Kid
Story from 2 previously
published works by Peter Vuono from Powerlifting USA
Back before the internet I had published about 70 articles on powerlifting and bodybuilding. Most of these magazines are long gone. I had a series in Powerlifting USA about Pioneers of Power. Of the champs that I wrote about who were still alive, three wrote to me to thank me. One even wrote from prison! I would never besmirch the others as they may have very well never have known but two of the three who did had amazing power of body AND heart that would make these two persons very much the same when, if seen today, people would formulate an opinion that they should be adversaries.
On 4/17/77, in Nashua, NH, Silver Star winner Joe Zarella promoted the 1st national powerlifting meet for women only. Stephanie Moody, of Ohio, competed and came in 2nd as a middleweight. She would later be a national champ in both 1979 AND 1980. She would compete in the 1st women's world championships in Lowell and her 396 deadlift was 20 lbs. higher than strength legend Bev Francis.
I wrote about her in 87 and in writing to me Stephanie told me that she didn't realize the amazing fact that I stated in her article. On that day in Nashua in 1977, she became the FIRST African American woman to compete in a WL meet of any kind. Stephanie told me in her letter that her dream of strength immortality was achieved in her being the FIRST, a record that cannot be broken.
The 2nd person who took the time to thank me was the immortal police officer from Huntington Beach, Pat Casey. Pat, as everyone knows, became the 1st to bench press 600 with 617.25 in June of 67. He would go on to be the 1st man to squat 800 and total 2000 for 3 lifts. He too wrote and invited me to California. Unfortunately, I never made it. Pat succumbed to cancer in 2012. I communicated with his widow who told me that Pat NEVER took steroids and was a very spiritual man. Pat was so tough that he worked out 12 days before he died.
Both were a kindred spirit in powerlifting and although some groups would see them on opposing sides of a conflict they were also kindred spirits of the heart in that they took the time to thank a total stranger for acknowledging their greatness.
This author is sure that the reader has picked up on the premise that this author is trying to make. However it is hoped that when we see someone that others tell us we should be at odds with we should remember the prophetic words of Mr. Miyagi; that a person can certainly be, "Different but Same".
Sunday, May 31, 2020
By Peter Vuono
After seeing the death of an innocent at the hands of law enforcement in Minneapolis last week ; I drew my own opinions and conclusions from the Bible. In the days of John the Baptist, the closest thing to police were soldiers. They came to John who was even revered by Herrod and asked, "What should we do"? John replied, "Plunder no one and accuse no one falsely". Plunder means taking another's goods or property by force. I think it's easy to say that the death of a helpless individual at the hands of the police goes way beyond plundering and the 4 should be punished accordingly.
Then I thought about the rioting and looting. Didn't Martin Luther King Jr. say,"Darkness cannot drive out darkness ;only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that"? I don't ever recall Dr. King inciting the violence that we see today as an adjunct to the protesting which, in itself is just.
Many innocents can be injured such as fire fighters, bystanders and shop owners. If a person's car is destroyed or his business looted, it effects his or her family and livelihood. The loss of one's property and business can only trickle down to others who are innocent. Some of us in Massachusetts well remember Victoria Snelgrove, who at age 21 was shot in the eye with a misplaced pepper ball killing her for only being a bystander at an out of hand Red Sox victory celebration in 2004.
So what possible biblical referenced could I allude to in my denouncing of violence? Some of us remember the scenario in the Garden of Gethsemane 2000 years ago. When Jesus was about to be taken into custody by the high priests, Peter decided to get violent. He drew his sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest. Jesus rebuked him saying,"Put up thy sword. For those that live by the sword die by the sword". He then touched the servant's ear, healing him completely. A strong statement 2000 years ago and a strong statement now. Many didn't listen or take heed to what he said then and I marvel at why 2000 years later too many of us still do not listen or take heed now.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
When I see the incredible valor of all of our health care workers throughout the world I can't help but think of their predecessor, Saint Roch of France who , in spite of being a nobleman, traveled to various cities in Italy to cure those afflicted with plague at the age of twenty. Just prior to the passing or Roch's parents, his father, a wealthy nobleman ,on his death, bed decreed that his son would be the new governor of Montpelier France.
Very much like Prince Harry,Roch denounced his birthright and traveled to Italy to the hospitals of Acquapendente, Cesena, Remini, Novara and Rome to assist in healing the sick who were inflicted with plague all across Italy. It was said that Roch healed victims completely by merely laying his hands upon the afflicted.
While assisting in the town of Piacenza, Roch contacted the plague himself. Not wishing to infect anyone, he ostracized himself to the woods and constructed a hut made from branches and leaves. Miraculously, a small spring of water arose nearby.
Living in the town of Piacenza was a count Gotthard Palastrelli who enjoyed taking his dog to hunt. Palastrelli didn't realize however, that the dog found Roch and stealthily made trips to Roch's refuge with bread each day! When the count followed his dog to see exactly what was happening, he found Roch fully healed and later became an acolyte.
When Saint Roch retuned to Montpelier, France was at war. He was arrested by the soldiers of his own uncle as a spy and thrown into jail. Roch refused to say who he was thinking that he would fully obey any fate that God would bring to him. After 5 years in a dungeon he succumbed and passed in the year 1376 at age 28. He was identified after his death by a birth mark in the shape of a cross on his chest. He would later be made a saint by Pope Gregory XIV and is the patron saint of infectious diseased, epidemics persons unjustifiably jailed and dogs because of the bond he shared with the count's hunting dog.
In Saint Roch cemetery in New Orleans there is a chapel constructed at least 100 years ago. In a side room of the chapel there is an enormous cache of ex-votos made from plaster and plastic along with dozens of crutches and other apparatus of assisting the afflicted. An ex-voto is a realistic "thank you" given to a saint for healing.
Only a few visit his chapel and appeal to him for help. Very few of us either know of or appeal to him However, I wonder how better off we'd be and how many fewer would suffer and die if we did.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Title by Felix Adler
Biography by Peter Vuono
Dedicated to Joel, Rosalie and all die-hard Stooge fans
Sophie Kischnerman was born in Brooklyn on March 21, 1912. Sophie was educated at Hunter College which is part of NYU. She was a natural born athlete and won a high jump contest in NYC. However her parents frowned upon her making athletics her source of bread and butter and Sophie was denied the chance to compete in the Olympics. Fortunately for Sophie, she had many other talents She was a superb dancer which didn't surprise anyone. Sophie became one of the very first Rockettes. She danced at the Radio city Music Hall on the first night that the Rockettes opened.
Sophie continued to both model and train as an actress in Philadelphia. She went to Hollywood and worked for Monogram,. Republic, Metro and Columbia. She would change her name to Suzanne Kaaren. Kaaren was brought to this author's attention by playing in three 3 Stooges shorts; :What's the Matador" as Dolores Sanchez, as dancer Gail Tempest in "Disorder in the Court" and in "Yes We Have No Bonanza" as a saloon singer.
Kaaren married actor Sidney Blackmer in 1946 . Attending the wedding was Raquel Torres who played a major part with the Marx Brothers in "Duck Soup". Unfortunately, Kaaren and Blackmer separated only a few months after their marriage but decided to remain together until Blackmer passed in 1973.
Kaaren lived in North Carolina until a fire destroyed her home. She and Blackmer had been renting an apartment for $203.59 a month at 100 Central Park South in NYC. Kaaren, at this time was a senior citizen and was making less than 10,000 per year. She had no choice but to move in; plus the property was rent controlled. Shortly after, a new real estate developer bought the property and tried to evict Kaaren and any other rent controlled tenants. The developer was a fellow named Donald John Trump. Kaaren and her fellow renters took Donald John to court in the 80's and won. She was allowed to remain there until her failing health warranted more care. Upon her death in 2004, she was laid to rest next to her husband in North Carolina. According to the Three Stooges Journal, the Associated Press headline read,"Actress Who Stood Up to Trump Dead at 92".
Prior to my writing this, I had no knowledge of Kaaren's feistiness and chutspah. I loved her characters but from now on I'll watch the hilarity of "What's the Matador" and not just laugh but admire a brave woman, who like David stood up to a Goliath for what she thought was right.
REFERENCES: Three Stooges Journal Winter 2019
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
By Peter Vuono
Many years ago Mother Teresa said, "Kind words are easy to say but their echoes are truly endless". I guess that's why I was so in love with a small college in MA called Massasoit Community College which is in SE Massachusetts. From 1973-1995 when I both went to school there and worked part time, I met a miasma of people who were kind, soft spoken, inspirational and professional. I needed this back then as I was rather immature and at times, insolent. The names are too many to mention but if I had to categorize these folks, I'd say that they all had the "It" factor.
To me, the "It" factor is having all the physical, emotional and most importantly inspirational qualities of being a good and noble leader. People are drawn to these leaders which is a great asset to those that meet them. On March 5th, I went to the retirement party of a young lady who definitely has the "It" factor- Mrs. Julie Mulvey.
Julie is a tall person at over 6 feet and started her youth as a super athlete in the field of basketball.There was an opening at Massasoit for a basketball coach and athletic director Bruce Langlan(who also has the "It" factor) recognized one of his own and wisely hired Julie as coach.
As the time keeper or shot clock operator, I got to see Julie's style as a coach. She was so much more than that. She was always calm yet commanding of her "Warriors". She never lost her temper or raised her voice. I remember Bruce Lee once saying, "Be soft yet not yielding; be firm yet not hard". Julie must have read his book.
I distinctly remember one of her teams as being without question one of the roughest, toughest groups I had ever seen. These girls were so tough that they would go to a restaurant after practice and order broken leg of lamb. I remember many of them well from Brockton High. Yet Julie molded them without a single cross word into one of the best teams that his author had ever seen.
When I first started at the clock in 1973 Coach Walter Birchler said at the sports banquet that the basketball table personnel were always unnoticed until they made a mistake. Julie caught me making one at a game. I'm kind of quick on the trigger finger for the shot clock and this time too quick. Julie caught it and said,"Peter, that wasn't a shot". I replied, "I know, Julie, I'm sorry". To this she answered, "That's all right". She had enough understanding to know that I was just human and very capable of error but I never forgot how she refused to vilify me.
Julie went on to spread her inspiration to other great venues such as director of student activities and athletic director. From 1981 to 2020 she touched legions of young showing them the Tao(or the Way). She may be absent from school but as Mother Teresa stated, her echoes of kindness are "truly endless".
"The key to immortality is to live a life worth remembering"- Bruce Lee
Julie went on to spread her inspiration to other great venues such as director of student activities and athletic director. From 1981 to 2020 she touched legions of young showing them the Tao(or the Way). She may be absent from school but as Mother Teresa stated, her echoes of kindness are "truly endless".
"The key to immortality is to live a life worth remembering"- Bruce Lee
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
(A cautionary blog entry) By Peter Vuono
In Chinese Taoism, the Yin and Yang represent two interlocking parts of a whole; Yang(whiteness) and Yin (darkness) The two forces, although they appear to conflict ,are actually interdependent. You may NOT have darkness without light and vice versa.. I have not delved into the internet stats but it is clear to me that there is becoming an imbalance of forces. Simply put, there is more and more evil being propagated in the world at perhaps a greater rate than goodness. This puts the two complementary forces out of balance.
We are seeing acts of evil in the form of guns, drugs, pedophilia, human trafficking, hate crimes, bullying, denial of basic human rights violence against women and children and a host of others so much so that we are desensitized.
A long time ago, I heard comedian/activist Dick Gregory say on TV that a saving grace for humanity was that,
"The good folks outnumber the bad". I went to see him speak twice and he mentioned(in 1970), that we were no longer picking the better candidate in an election but "The lesser of two evils".After each 5 minute interval of speaking , Gregory said,"You young people have a big job and you haven't got much time." I wonder what Dick Gregory would say now in 2021 with all that is happening.
My favorite short story is a cautionary tale by Ray Bradbury called,"A Sound of Thunder". The gist of it is that every thing that you and I do, both great and small will impact the future and very possibly, in a big way. We all have to be aware and become examples to the young ones so that there is a perfect balance between Yin and Yang.With a new school year upon us; this author is most worried!
Years ago one of my favorite tunes was "Smoke" by the Tubes. The refrain said"The whole world is smokin and I can't stop chokin". Maybe this will change if we stop and listen to the sound of thunder.
"Those who are unaware that they are walking in darkness will never seek the light"- Bruce Lee
In Chinese Taoism, the Yin and Yang represent two interlocking parts of a whole; Yang(whiteness) and Yin (darkness) The two forces, although they appear to conflict ,are actually interdependent. You may NOT have darkness without light and vice versa.. I have not delved into the internet stats but it is clear to me that there is becoming an imbalance of forces. Simply put, there is more and more evil being propagated in the world at perhaps a greater rate than goodness. This puts the two complementary forces out of balance.
We are seeing acts of evil in the form of guns, drugs, pedophilia, human trafficking, hate crimes, bullying, denial of basic human rights violence against women and children and a host of others so much so that we are desensitized.
A long time ago, I heard comedian/activist Dick Gregory say on TV that a saving grace for humanity was that,
"The good folks outnumber the bad". I went to see him speak twice and he mentioned(in 1970), that we were no longer picking the better candidate in an election but "The lesser of two evils".After each 5 minute interval of speaking , Gregory said,"You young people have a big job and you haven't got much time." I wonder what Dick Gregory would say now in 2021 with all that is happening.
My favorite short story is a cautionary tale by Ray Bradbury called,"A Sound of Thunder". The gist of it is that every thing that you and I do, both great and small will impact the future and very possibly, in a big way. We all have to be aware and become examples to the young ones so that there is a perfect balance between Yin and Yang.With a new school year upon us; this author is most worried!
Years ago one of my favorite tunes was "Smoke" by the Tubes. The refrain said"The whole world is smokin and I can't stop chokin". Maybe this will change if we stop and listen to the sound of thunder.
"Those who are unaware that they are walking in darkness will never seek the light"- Bruce Lee
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