By Peter Vuono
On 2/10/22 I tested positive for Covid-19. It was just after my geriatrician gave me a completely clean bill of health with no temperature, no diabetes and good blood pressure. I was one of the few lucky ones who didn't get hit hard. I missed only one weight workout and never missed a cardio workout throughout. My symptoms were minor and I want to share with you why I think so.
First and foremost is the vaccine. Are you aware that 900,000 of our fellow citizens have passed due to this disease nationwide? I'm 69. I've had open heart surgery and my body max index screams obese! If this isn't enough comorbidities, then I don't know what is; the walking dead perhaps? I had all three shots with no aftereffects following. Whoever that bodybuilder was in CA who wrote,"If your liver doesn't quiver, and your bladder doesn't splatter, take another shot because it just doesn't matter", the man was a genius in an odd sort of way!
Next is my vitamin regimen. I didn't just take them as a quick fix. For the last two years I've been preparing for battle and my daily regimen looks like this: Vit C 3000mgs, B-12 50mcgs, Vit E- 100I.U, Zinc-50 Mgs., Magnesium-250Mgs., Melatonin- 1Mg., Glucosamine-2000mgs., Fish Oil- 2,000Mgs., Boron- 30Mgs., Tongkat Ali-850Mgs., Maca-50Mgs., Turmeric- 200Mgs., Saw Palmetto- 1400Mgs.,Iron- 30Mgs. I may have left a few out but at this point it doesn't matter. For decades I've tried through my nutrition to strengthen the immune system and I'm certain this helped but I honestly don't know how much.
Two of my doctors pooh,pooh Vitamin C. Humans, gorillas, chimps, the fruit bat and some birds cannot synthesize this vitamin. According to double Nobel Prize winner- Dr. Linus Pauling- vitamin C decreases the amount of lipoprotein-a in the system which contributes to increasing plaque in the body. It DOES strengthen your cardio-vascular system. So what about my open heart surgery you ask?
My disease was passed down through blood lines. I started lifting weights again 2 weeks after I got out of the hospital.
If you're a guy make sure that both your free and total testosterone levels are optimal. This is done through a blood test. If your "T" levels are low, an endocrinologist can help you obtain optimal levels. This is imperative for keeping healthy in so many ways. Too little testosterone can lead to cardio-vascular disease among other things. I've been monitoring my levels for over a decade.
Finally, I believe that my personal faith has helped. In our religion, we believe that saints can intercede and further petition God along with our personal requests. If you don't believe, that's cool, but there is no viable explanation I can give.Saint Roch of France is the patron of dogs and epidemics. It's NOT Saint Corona as many believe. He was a wealthy nobleman who gave it all up to fight plague in Italy. When he contracted it, he ostracized himself to the woods where a hunting dog found him and brought food every day! I've been petitioning him ever since the virus hit the USA.
You may think that this is all quite out of the ordinary and abnormal. I gave up normalcy in 73 when I became a powerlifter. Besides, didn't the scarecrow say in the Wonderful World of Oz that "It is the unusual people that deserve consideration in this world"?
With the exception of the vaccine these are unusual means indeed but if anything I've said gives you either help or hope for a better and healthier tomorrow than I am most pleased. God speed.