Tuesday, February 25, 2025


By Peter Vuono

     In the year 1350, in the small town of Chatillon-Sur-Chalarone which is  North of Lyon, there lived in a castle a wealthy knight with his infant son, his wife, a chamber maid and his loyal Greyhound, Guinefort.

The name Guinefort was derived from the German "Wini" for friend and  the French word "fort" for strong, or "Strong Friend". One day the knight decided to go hunting and left his son in the care of the chambermaid and Guinefort. The maid left the baby to do household errands and as she did a poinsonous viper entered the room. 

  Immediately, Guinefort sprang into action and tore the snake into pieces. The violent struggle knocked over the baby's crib. Although he was unharmed, his presence was obfuscated by the crib. Blood was everywhere.

  When the knight retuned, he saw the results of the conflict but did not see his child. As Guinefort received his master, the knight could see how bloody his jaws were. Thinking that his noble greyhound devoured his son, the knight went into a rage.He drew his sword and killed the dog.

  Immediately after, the knight heard his son cry and became overcome with grief when he realized his fatal error. Incredibly distraught, the knight carried the body of his loyal friend to the well. He covered it with stones and planted a tree in front to memorialize his friend.

  When word got out of Guinefort's valor, peasants flocked the shrine to pay homage. In 13th century Europe, the rules of canonization in the Catholic Church were not strict and the town's people declared Guinefort a "Saint". He would be made the patron saint of children and hundreds of patrons from all over Europe would visit.

   When Rome got wind of it, they sent a Dominican inquisitor- Stephen of Bourbon- to investigate. After Stephen documented on paper all the events that led to Guinefort's sainthood, he declared that Guinefort could not be deemed a saint. He burned the greyhound's remains and cut down the tree. He then threatened fines to worshipers.

  This all backfired. Stephen's manuscript was copied and published all over Europe. Patrons would continue to worship the shrine for another 650 years even until 1970! The rules of canonization are now clearer where the proposed saint must have an incontrovertible miracle attached to him or her.

  Archeologists have explained that the dog has been in a partnership with man in harmony and friendship for over 12,000 years where the Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens converged. The tale of Guinefort 13,350 years later is one of the greatest pieces of evidence that this bond only got stronger.

  This noble friend's tale simply reinforces what we dog lovers already know; that love, loyalty, protection and companionship between us and our dogs enduringly prevails 675 years later and will continue to do so in the heart of man.




Saturday, January 4, 2025

Christopher Annino overcomes the Odds

Christopher Annino https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0030399/ is an award-winning Athlete, Actor, Journalist, Broadcaster, Filmmaker, Pro Wrestler, Musician, and Writer. Christopher Annino was diagnosed at a young age with severe disabilities and at one point in his life he was homeless. He is now a successful business owner and philanthropist. Annino is the co-founder of the www.womenswrestlinghalloffame.com  ,the New England Music Hall of Fame www.nemhof.com  ,and Tag Team Hall of Fame www.tagteamhalloffame.com He is also the ambassador of the Blues Hall of Fame http://blueshalloffame.com/Local_Blues_Talent/Local_Blues_Talent_of_Massachusetts.html  

Christopher Annino’s success is based on his roots. Born with severe neurological disabilities and severe Aspergers. Despite his disabilities he put his focus on academics and athletics. He had great support from his parents, and extended family especially his cousin’s NCAA hall of fame inductee Brenda Post Killebrew https://wnegoldenbears.com/honors/hall-of-fame/brenda-post-killebrew/63 , Andrea Tega Post, and former teacher Leanne Williams. He learned a lot from his amazing teachers throughout middle school and high school, Police Sargent Doug Hoffman, DARE Officer Timothy Curtis, and Fire Chief Danny Keogh. Christopher grew up with a New England work ethic instilled in him at an early age. Growing up he looked up to basketball hall of fame inductees John Stockton, Larry Bird, Red Sox all-star Mike Greenwell, Olympic Gold Medalist Rulon Gardner, one-armed major-league pitcher Jim Abbott and Baseball Hall of Fame Cal “Ironman” Ripken Jr because of their work ethic.

He competed in the AAU in multiple sports including fencing, judo, weightlifting, and track and field. In his teen years he would volunteer his time at the Mystic Noank Library, and Special Olympics Connecticut and became Volunteer of the Year of Arc of Southeastern Connecticut2009. He was a state barrel racing champion with the Tri State Horsemen’s Association https://tristate-horsemens-association.square.site/  he was trained by world class equestrian trainer Trish Babcock. He went to school with the former New York Mets all stat Matt Harvey at Fitch Senior High School in Groton, Connecticut. There he lettered in Football, Track and Field, Drama, Choir, and was the first member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society and International Thespian Society. Before he graduated, he was inducted into the National Honor Society, he was a junior firefighter, was a cantor for Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church in Mystic, Ct, achieved life rank from Boy Scouts of America, wrote for the school newspaper, was runner up for poet laureate and went to prom four times including his senior prom with his close friend world recording artist Samantha Urbani https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Urbani After he graduated from high school he attended and graduated from the Connecticut School of Broadcasting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSB_Media_Arts_Center  He later went to pursue his dream to be a pro wrestler. He was trained by NWA legend Susan Tex Green, Big Hoss Furman Jeffords, Chris Blackheart, ECW original Gary Wolf and is an honorary graduate from WWE Hall of Fame Inductee Handsome Jimmy Valiant’s Pro Wrestling School. In 2024 Jimmy Valiant himself made him an instructor and gave Christopher his official name and he now wrestles as Rescue911 Chris Valiant https://www.facebook.com/rescue911prowrestler  and when he is teamed up with ECW original Pitbull #1 Gary Wolf  he is The Intimidator Pitbull # 3. In pro wrestling he won the Ox Baker Memorial Cup, SPW Tag Team Titles, NWA New England Brass Knuckles title https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NWA_Brass_Knuckles_Championship_(New_England_version) , USA World Six-person Tag Team Title, VPW tag Team Championship, USWF Tag Team Championship, Costa Rican Trios tag Team Championship, and the World Six Person Tag Team Championship. In 2022 he successfully inducted the inaugural class of the Women’s Wrestling Hall of Fame and made Yahoo News https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jazz-madusa-luna-vachon-inducted-011613073.html  At Mitchell College he thrived and was an NCAA athlete playing Lacross https://www.mitchellathletics.com/sports/mlax/2007-08/bios/Annino_Christopher  and was on the first Rugby team. There Professor Marc Goldsmith acted as a great mentor to him and as a result he was able to get an internship with Stan Lee of Marvel Comics. While there he was editor of the then school newspaper The Beacon, a member of the Mitchell College drama society, Mitchell College Choir. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2009.  At Mitchell College he was inducted into Phi Theta Kappa International College Honor Society https://www.ptk.org/ , National Leadership Society https://www.nsls.org/ , Collegiate Athletic Honor Society https://www.chialphasigma.org/  While at Mitchell College was also an on-air personality for WBLQ, Jammin 107.7, Soft Rock 106.5. He also at one time wrote for The Day Newspaper, The Westerly Sun, Soundwaves, Norwich Bulletin, and The Scope Newspaper. He graduated from Mitchell College with honors and competed in professional powerlifting, strongman competitions, and was starting offensive lineman for the semiprofessional football league NEFL. Shortly after graduating Mitchell College, he graduated from the Connecticut Fire Academy and became a Firefighter, EMT, and a Haz Mat Operations Specialist. He was a career firefighter for a few years until he was injured in an accident. He had badly injured his back to the point where he was not able to walk. He found out that his friend Claudia was sick with Cancer and he decided to train to do a fundraiser to help raise funds for people like her for the Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer foundation   www.tbbcf.org   So he decided to set a world record  as seen here on WTNH Channel 8 News  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7_AumTlQAU&t=73s by pulling a 3,000 lb SUV for a mile and raise money for the cause. He became a Certified Chaplain and ordained Minister through the Universal Life Church and won a community service award for his involvement with LGBTQ advocacy, and just produced a film on LGBT community Directed by Constance Kristofik called Holding Space https://gardearts.org/events/holding-space/  in2024 he was given a proclamation from the state of Connecticut for his involvement in music preservation through the New England Music Hall of Fame www.nemhof.com  as seen here in the Connecticut Insider https://www.ctinsider.com/shoreline/article/ct-sin-sisters-inducted-new-england-music-hall-18499331.php  He met his now fiancĂ© VanessaMarchewka aka Marsha Maraschino aka Vanessa Valiant who was trained by former WWE superstars Mario Mancini, and Paul Roma. Together they have become a power couple and both New England Music Hall of Fame www.nemhof.com , NEMHOF News, Women’s Wrestling Hall of Fame www.womenswrestlinghalloffame.com  , and are together producing several films. Both are also involved in pro wrestling and often Marsha manages Christopher Annino.  Vanessa Marchewka is a Criminal Justice Major at Central Connecticut State University and currently works for the state in victim advocacy.  Vanessa is directing several documentaries including the 2025 New England Music Hall of Fame Induction. Both volunteer their time to help the homeless, both attribute their success to their faith in God and their strict training at Black Bear Karate Dojo http://www.blackbearkarate.com/index.html in Westerly, Rhode Island, The form of karate is traditional Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Reihokan. In 2023 Christopher Annino had his first leading role in a feature film called Covid Karma https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22036900/   Directed by international award-winning filmmaker Biju Viswanath. The film won a staggering 33 international awards including 12 best actor awards won by Christopher Annino. He was recently featured in the Westerly Sun Newspaper https://www.thewesterlysun.com/lifestyle/entertainment/covid-karma-to-be-screened-on-sept-11-in-mystic/article_65f106a0-4667-11ee-87e8-7bde40455247.html  and he was recently featured in Yahoo News when he inducted the group The Monkees into the New England Music Hall of Fame https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/monkees-receive-england-music-hall-142837096.html  Christopher Annino plays a Russian assassin in a feature film thriller “Midnight” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt33094181/?ref_=rg_mv_close starring Rosario Dawson (Rent, Sin City, Clerks 2, Star Wars) , Milla Jovovich(5th Element, Resident Evil, Ultra Violet) , and Ryan Guzman star of the TV show 911 and it will be coming out shortly. He will be wrestling January 25, 2025, as Rescue 911 Chris Valiant in Florida with Negdog Championship Wrestling at Circle S BBQ LLC 14698 US-19, Hudson, FL 34667-3349, United States https://www.facebook.com/events/541269312043440?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[]%7D

  And on February 15, 2025he will be hosting the 2025 New England Music Hall of Fame induction ceremony in New Bedford, Massachusetts with the voice of Charlie Brown Duncan Watson https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0914603/  special guest presenters Detroit Debbie, ECW original Angel Orsini, former Mrs. Rhode Island Marie Catherine Parente, the NEMHOF Inaugural best artist Renee Leavitt,2025 best new artist Frankie Justin, NEMHOF News editor Steve Prescott,  NEMHOF inductee’s Mach Bell (Joe Perry Project), Hirsh Gardner (New England), Cliff Goodwin (Joe Cocker), New England Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame Don Vega, promoter John Ippolito, DJ Gadget, author Vikki Vine, Co-owner of NEMHOF Vanessa Marchewka, Senator Heather Somers. The official NEMHOF induction ceremony will be at The Vault, in New Bedford, Massachusetts. The event will be a food drive for PACE https://paceinfo.org/  and50/50 raffle for the South Coast LGBTQ+ Network https://www.sclgbtqnetwork.org/  The NEMHOF All-star band consists of Connecticut’s Sophia Coppola, Sinthea Sinatra, NEMHOF Inductee Liz Borden, Co-founder of the New England Music Hall of Fame Kathy Steahle, and 2025 NEMHOF best young artist16-year-old New London Ada Mae Florek. The 2025 NEMHOF inductees include Massachusetts very own Charlie Farren (Joe Perry Project), David Hull (Aerosmith), Grammy Nominated Jon Butcher, Doug Wimbish (Living Color), Broadway producers Tom & Michael D Angora , Broadway singer’s  Maya Days (Law and Order), Mary Callanan(Mama Mia), Daniel Coughlin, Linda Viens, Sal Baglio, Joe Pet, BJ Snowden, D-Tension, Manchester Pipe Band (the oldest competitive pipe band in America),Albert O (WUMB), Loren & Wally (WROR) , The Nervous Eaters, The Bristol’s,  Bob Metzger (Don McLean),Freddie Mercury (Queen), Emmy Award Winning Charles Ives, Chris Brubeck, Canadian musician Stompin Tom Connors, The B-52’s,  Kennedy Center Honoree Dave Brubeck, Joey Melotti, Roomful of Blues, Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Inductees Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth, Nammy award winner Felipe Rose (Village People), John Chan ,Marion Meadows, Arti Dixon, Dan Brubeck, singer/ songwriter Martin Page, The Monkees, Toni Lynn Washington, WWE Hall of Fame Inductee Jimmy Valiant,  Toads Place, and, Alison Kaufman (WCNI).  Previous inductions can be seen on ECUSA TV www.ecusatv.com   or the app https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ecusa-tv/id1665898621    Two documentaries will be filmed that evening, one on the 2025 NEMHOF induction directed by Central Connecticut State University alumni Vanessa Marchewka & STF media & and on The Fools Directed by Karl Preusser. Mystic River Foundry www.mysticriverfoundry.comalong  with Norwich resident Steve Prescott builds the Wailer Award that each inductee receives. New England Music Hall of Fame news affiliate NEMHOF News can be watched on local access station SEC-TV www.sec-tv.org  located in Groton, Ct. Tickets are available: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-new-england-music-hall-of-fame-tickets-1099604349209?aff=oddtdtcreator  After February he will be working on finishing co-directing comedy feature film The Lollipop Gang https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9481630/   with Angel Orsini. The film stars original Glow Girl Jeanne Basone https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1067428/bio/  who just released official autobiography https://www.amazon.com/Hooray-Hollywood-True-Story-Original/dp/B0DPGMJGQL  He will be working with Marvel comic artist Rusty Gilligan https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0319207/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_0_nm_1_in_0_q_rusty%2520gilliganon  an Emergency Medical Services comic book series based on his pro wrestling persona Rescue 911 Chris Valiant and his real life firefighting career. Special guests will include original GLOW Girl Tiffany Mellon, Dennis Lytle Wrestling N Wrecovery, Lacy Traylor daughter of WWE Hall of Fame Inductee Big Boss Man, Ms. USA Dolly Sharrow, US Navy Veteran Coryann Armstrong, police officer Gil Maffeo, and Captain Klaus D. Cat created by Fire Fighter / Army Veteran Steve Jordan. The goal for the comic book is to raise awareness in mental health, drug addiction, alcoholism, first aid, fire safety, and help with recruiting for the armed forces and local EMS.