Thursday, October 6, 2022



   Recently, the Yankee slugger, Aaron Judge hit sixty-two home runs to surpass Roger Maris's Yankee home run record. When this article is published, he will have probably hit more. Judge seems to be a good role model for kids and a gracious winner. He's a deserving person to have such talent.

   A few times during the record breaking rampages of Judge and Albert Pujols we are reminded of another fellow who put 73 bombs over the fence years ago. However, when this player is mentioned, it is often with vitriol over the possibility of this man using PED's.

   Whether this is or is not true is immaterial. The Bible states, "Do not judge lest you be judged". "Do not condemn lest you be condemned". Personally, this author will NEVER besmirch or vilify any athlete who used PED"S. Why? Because athletes, for decades, have been pressured into winning. The press demands a winner. The fans demand a winner. The players and coaches demand a winner and the owners demand a winner. If the reader doesn't think that owners don't care more about winning and money than the players' welfare than please remember what happened to the Dolphins quarterback who suffered two concussions. Remember the movie, "Patton"? In it George C. Scott enunciates, "America loves a winner and won't tolerate a loser".

   We also can't legislate morality. It has to be taught. I'm not against  drug tests but please know that there are 3 methods of beating any test; adulteration, dilution and substitution. It this author knows how to use these methods, don't you, the reader, think that the pros and colleges know? These tests can be terribly inaccurate. Remember Ben Johnson's 9.79? He tested positive for Winstrol but that was inaccurate. He took a steroid called Furasabol which was NOT on the banned inventory. Yes, he was guilty but it very well illustrates the inaccuracies of the tests.

    Dr. John Zeigler was a decorated war hero hurt in WWII 4 times! He was 6' 5" and weighed 250. He played for Penn State football and got his degrees after the war. He specialized in surgery, geriatrics physical and nuclear surgery! He called himself a country doctor. After being incensed by the Russians using testosterone in 1955, Zeigler returned from abroad and approached the Ciba corporation. For $100.00 he created the 1st steroid-Methandrostenolone also known as Dianabol. He gave the drugs to lifters in York PA in 1959 and the drug found it's way to the NFL in 63.The first team to get them was the Chargers who obliterated the Boston Patriots in an AFL conference game 51-10! It started then and continues now. Men like the San Francisco slugger are NOT completely to blame; rather the blame  belongs to all of us.

   Decades ago, my wife and I watched a forgetable movie called "Personal Best". the best part of the movie is when Olympic shot putter Al Feuerbach sang a song called"Dianabol". The refrain went, "Oh why is there Dianabol at all?" I know why; it's because "America loves a winner and won't tolerate a loser"

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