Friday, July 12, 2024


Story by Peter Vuono

   Each morning when I go downstairs to my dungeon-like workout area, I play a variety of metal songs One favorite of mine has the following refrain;

"I get up at 7 yeah, I go to work at nine.

I got no time for livin, yes, I'm, working all the time.

It seems to me I could live my life a lot better than I think I am.

that's why they call me; they call me the working man".

   Yes, the song gets me charged up but it also reminds me of the hard working life of an old friend and teacher who recently passed on at age 82- Mike Russell. Mike had a calm and kind demeanor and was very slow to anger. In addition to this he was one of the most admirable teachers I had ever met for two reasons; the first was his incredible work ethic.

   Mike was a full time Social Studies teacher. However ,because he and his beloved wife Marlene had the  objective of getting ALL their children through college, Mike had the distinction of working at more jobs than anyone I had ever met at Brockton High School.

   Mike was junior class advisor, senior class advisor, coach, and summer school teacher. As if this weren't enough, he would leave his summer school job at noon and work as the chief charge' overseeing the East Side Pool, which, at the time, had a reputation for servicing some difficult youngsters whose peccadilloes would easily ward off the hardiest of teachers. On weekends, he took copious photographs of all the football players and selflessly gave the photos away free to the players. There was, however, as I have stated another facet to Mike's life which has forever stayed with me since I heard it in the mid eighties; and that was his profound philosophy of education.

   It was the mid 80's in the azure teacher's lounge early on a week day morning with little if no AC. Some of the boys were lamenting our being there and how nice it would be if we got a better rate during the year. Like a sage from the past, Mike calmly enunciated, "Look, no one ever told us that we'd  make money in teaching. We're here for something else". Indeed we were. We were there for our families and just as importantly; we were there for the kids!

  Now, decades later when I privately go out into the summer heat to a client's home for home teaching, I try not to think of the hardship of it. Rather, I  think back to the 80's to Mike's profound philosophy.

  None of us humans can even guess as to what is said to a deceased person by the Lord. I should think that in Mike's case there are two distinct possibilities;

  The first is "Well done, good and noble servant" and personally I like to think he may hear, 

"I get home at 5 O'clock and I take myself out a nice cold beer.

Always seem to be won'drin why  there's nothin going down here.

It's seems to me I could live my life

a lot batter than I think I am, 

that's why they call me; they call me the working man".

Be assured, he's living a rewarding life now.

SPECIAL NOTE: Title and lyrics were written by Neil Peart.



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